Friday, March 22, 2013

Kason's Birth Story Part 1

Oh, how I absolutely love reading birth stories! I have trouble holding back tears every time. My husband teases me that I love babies WAY too much, but I don't think that's possible. I think he's just worried how many babies I will want. ;) Here's sweet Kason's story...

The weeks leading up to Kason's birth were very similar to Lexi's, meaning NO progress and NO signs of him coming anytime soon, not that you can predict a baby's birth. I honestly thought with him being my second baby, he wouldn't hang out in there until past his due date, but my babies think I make a pretty comfy home, what can I say? At my 39 week appointment, my doctor asked if I wanted to induce. An induction was something I wanted to avoid at all costs, if possible, but I also knew I didn't feel comfortable going past 41 weeks due to risks of baby swallowing meconium. We went ahead and scheduled a date for February 11. He would officially be 41 weeks, 2 days.

The night we went in to be induced...last picture as a family of 3

At my 40 week appointment, I was called by my doctor's office asking if I minded seeing the PA that day because my doctor had an emergency and would not be in that day, and maybe not the rest of the week. I agreed, and my hope was that progress had been made. I was still praying he would come before the 11th. When we got to my appointment, the PA did a check, and then had another doctor in the practice come check as well. They thought it was important to know so that my doctor could determine how favorable I was for an induction. I was only a 1, and 50% effaced. No surprise.

I was then told by the doctor that my doctor would be having surgery on the 11 due to an injury that happened the previous day. I was in tears, and asked who would be performing the delivery if he was unable to. He said that it may be him, but he wasn't sure. I walked out of the office in tears with my mom and Lexi. To distract my mind, we headed to the mall. While leaving, Lindsey, my doctor's fabulous nurse called, and apologized for how my appointment went because she knew I had left upset. I asked her what my options were as far as Dr. Sterling be able to perform my delivery. She told me he might be able to delivery on that Thursday, and to talk it over with Keith, and let her know what we decided.

Keith and I went back and forth on what to do. I wanted to make sure my body was ready, because I wasn't crazy about a failed induction. I also did not want to go through the LOOOONG day that we had with Lexi's birth. Don't get me wrong. It's all worth it in the end, but if I could avoid pitocin, I was going to. At the last minute, we decided we would shoot for Thursday. We knew there would be a chance Dr. Sterling still wouldn't be performing the delivery since he already had several things scheduled for that day, but we were taking that risk. I called Lindsey to let her know our decision, and she said we would need to check in THAT night to start medication to prepare my cervix. I lost it at that point. I was not prepared to leave my baby girl for the first time, and felt like I hadn't mentally prepared myself for this. I looked at her as I hung up the phone and sobbed knowing we had merely a few hours as her being the baby of the family. She looked at me so confused as I showered her with hugs, squeezes, kisses, and tears.

At 7:15, I hugged my baby bye, knowing that would be the last time I saw her before she carried a big role on her shoulders, the role of a big sister. Keith did a great job at distracting me on the way there. We laughed about how the first time around, I cried on the way to the hospital, panicked about getting an IV. This time, I cried because I had to leave my firstborn. It's funny how time changes everything.

As soon as we entered our labor and delivery room, I was instructed to put on the oh-so-attractive hospital gown, and had to answer tons of questions, fill out paperwork, and the hep-block was started. Here we turning back now!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lexi- 21 Months (Feb. 23)


This has probably been one of the biggest months of your little life. You became a big sister! You have absolutely exceeded our expectations of this new role! We could not be more proud of how you have handled this transition. You were a little clingy to Mommy after our hospital stay, but that is definitely something we can live with! One day you won't want me in your sight every second, so I'm soaking it up.

Things you love right now:

  • bugging Gus
  • Going on bear hunts
  • going bye bye
  • climbing into your car seat by yourself
  • looking at yourself in the mirror (oh dear!)
  • You say soooo many phrases now! 
  • Watching sesame street in your pink chair
  • playing with my lotions, or as you call them 'creams'
  • reading your Little People school book
  • eating with utensils--you can scarf down some pasta like it's your job!
  • smoothies
  • cherries
  • watching 'Baby Exi' on our phones
  • Baking/cooking
  • bunny crackers
  • Buy Buy Baby (you call it the baby store)

You know 90% of your letters, we have started working on numbers now. You LOVE and thrive during our learning time together. We are so amazed at the things you say and do. One morning, before baby Kason was born, Daddy was going to get up with you and take you to the living room. You didn't want to leave me, but I told you I'd be in there in a few minutes. Your response, "Mama up, cook eggs." You knew I would get up to cook for you! Haha Another thing you did this month while you were walking with Kason and I back to our house from Nana's 'borrowed' Lo's Minnie Mouse, and I kept telling you to follow me home so we could get Kason inside. Of course you ventured off on your own, so I made it my mission to get him inside out of the cold, and go back out to grab you. When you saw me coming, you laughed and ran. When I made it to where you were, you had Lo's Minnie in the swing swinging.

We play white noise for Kason when he sleeps to mask out the chaos of our house. You wanted the iPad that we were playing it with, so you went and grabbed his sleep sheep (which also plays white noise), turned it on, and traded it out. Smart little cookie!

During our prayer one night, you say, "Thank you God Dada, thank you god ilk (milk), thank you God Mama." Melted our hearts....You have also started resting your head on our shoulders when we carry you. You have never been much of a snuggled, except when sleeping, so we are thrilled and welcome this stage with open arms (literally)!

You do not get in trouble often, but there are a few times we have to put you in time out. You are only there for a minute or two, but you certainly do not like to be isolated from everyone. You kept telling your daddy No, No, No Dada...he calmly told you not to tell Daddy no, and when you did it again, you had to say sorry, and then you sat down on the floor and mocked him. We both had to cover our heads because we were cracking up! You certainly are going to keep us on our toes!

We fall more in love with you each day, and are so excited to continue to watch you grow and develop in this new role you now wear proudly.

Your first snow day!!!

Mommy & Daddy