Friday, July 26, 2013

Kason- 4 Months! (June 7)


My sweet little guy--you are four months old! Whew! That flew by!! Your little personality is really starting to shine through. Can I just say that you are the sweetest little man? Your smile truly melts my heart. You have quickly become the perfect addition to our little family. You adore your big sister and light up when she talks to you. I love watching your interactions with her, and cannot wait to see you guys grow closer as you get older.

You are officially in the playing stage--one of my favorites! You love toys, especially ones that make a crunchy sound. Your favorite right now? Your blue O-Ball! It is one of the best baby toys because your little fingers can grip it so easily. You also love Sophie the giraffe, and your monkey lovey blanket. You are still loving the Ergo, and being outside.

You LOVE bath time, and just smile and coo the whole time! You get a little antsy after bath time because you are hungry and tired, and well, just ready for bed! The thing that calms you down the most while I finish getting your sister bathed, is the song, "Hey Soul Sister," by Train. Good choice! I love this song even though it is a few years old! You also like when your daddy rolls your window down in the car for you. It usually puts you to sleep within minutes. Just like your sister, you have weaned yourself from the binky. I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about this. Hahaha! Oh, and you HATE the bottle. You just took it a couple of weeks ago because we were practicing for when your daddy and I needed to attend our 10-year HS reunion. You did not like one second of it, and refused to even sip a drop! We'll keep working on it, but I'm not too worried if you decide to never take it. Your sister didn't either.

We just love you to pieces, and cannot believe you are ours. We haven't went for your four-month check yet, but will soon. We're about to take your second airplane ride to go visit Daddy's parents in North Carolina. Hopefully you will adjust better while there and when we come home. If not, we'll figure it out! You're worth it! ; )

You got baptized this last month and did so good! You are so blessed to have so many people who love and adore you! The pictures speak for themselves.

We love and adore you SO much!!!

Mommy, Daddy, & Lexi