The nurse said I could change positions, stand beside the bed, or use a birthing ball to try to get things progressing more quickly. I went ahead and used the ball. After about an hour or so of this, the contractions were more intense, and I knew I needed to be laying down on my side so I got back into bed. The nurse came back to check me (it was now around 3 in the afternoon), and I just knew I had to be further along...I was only a 4! I broke down at this point to a sob...I was in SO much pain with contractions on top of each other, that I knew I was not going to be able to go from a 4 to a 10 without any kind of medication. I told her and Keith that I was going to get the epidural. I had to wait for over an hour for the anesthesiologist while he administered one to the girls ahead of me. I was miserable at this time! Around 4, he came in and asked how I was doing. I told him that I was convinced that pitocin was pretty much the devil. After he administered it, I told him he was my new best friend. I was relieved of most of the pain other than some on my left side that I could still feel, but nothing like it was!
I told Keith he could turn the TV on, and we watched the Parent Trap. The whole mood in the room was changed. Keith describes it best..."We went from living our lives every 15 seconds to watching the Parent Trap! Your mom and I needed that epidural as much as you did." hahaha

Doctor came in at 6, and said he was about to do a C-section, but would be back after that. I was an 8 at this time. 7:00 rolls around, no doctor....8:00 rolls around, no doctor...I tell my new nurse that I'm pretty sure I need to be checked again because I was feeling pressure. She checks, and says, "Yup! You're fully dilated! Let me call your doctor and see what he wants us to do." She returns and asks me to do some 'practice pushes' to get an estimate about how long it might take. Her reply was, "WOW! Your baby has lots of brown hair!" now I'm thinking, if you can see my baby's hair, then we have pushed too much. Where's the doctor? My doctor finally came in around 8:30ish. My sister was also able to leave her shift for a bit, and run up to be there with us.
They all get prepped, and asked me to push during one of my contractions. In between contractions, they start talking about the season finale of The Apprentice, and several other reality TV shows. I'm not in the medical field, so I'm thinking, "What is going on? I'm exposed to the world right now, and you guys are just shooting the breeze." LOL It is so funny to think about now, and I'm sure glad to have a medical team that feels confident with what they are definitely helped ease my fears. After just a few round of pushes, my baby was here. Born at 8:42, despite the prediction of being 7lbs, 2oz. She weighed a whopping 6 lbs, 4 oz, measuring 20 3/4 in. long. It was love at first sight!