Dear Lexi,
You turned 8 months old yesterday! That's 2/3 of a bittersweet. Every stage you enter is my favorite. You are SO fun, happy, energetic, nosey, busy, curious, cute, silly, and sweet. You are gobbling up baby food now. You eat three 'meals' a day along with EBF. I'm guessing you probably weigh around 15-16 pounds? We'll find out next month at your next pediatrician appointment.
You are wearing 6-9 month clothing and almost always have a bow in your hair. People keep asking me how I get you to leave them on your head. My answer? You have had them on since day 1. HA! Actually, you do try to pull them off at times, but other times? I think you enjoy having one in. It makes you feel all girly-girl! ; )
Things you love right now: babbling (babababa, dadadada, mamamama, blowing out your mouth against your lips (does that make sense?!), being outside, being lifted way up high and brought back down carefully, apples, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, mum mums, books, being read to, the remote control, cell phones, paper, your shape sorter, and necklaces.
Things you are not a fan of: Anything that restrains you (highchair, carseat), avocados, loud noises such as when someone gets a new trash bag to put in the trash can, blenders, vacuums, and your blue whale bath toy you got for Christmas.
We love toting you around wherever you go and are pretty sure you enjoy it too! If we are just running in a store or two, your daddy prefers to just carry you, and you love it. As I said earlier, you are so curious! You love to be able to look around at anything and everything. It's cute. You love Mr. Gus and try to tug at his fur. He doesn't seem to mind too much. You are scooting everywhere including under furniture! haha...'Lil Nicole.' sigh.
We love you so much Lexi and LOVE watching your sweet personality develop more and more as the days go by. Here are a few pictures in your monthly onesie photo I took of you.
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