Sunday, May 6, 2012

11 months!

Happy 11 months sweet Lexi!!! Hard to believe that in one month we will celebrate the day you were born. SO many emotions come flooding through me as I think about this. For now, we won't go there. I don't have any kleenex handy. ; )

Wow, this month you have really taken off with lots of new tricks! Your sign language vocabulary has grown. You can now sign eat, more, hat, all done, milk, dog, and water. You still say mamama and dadada. Not too long ago, I was telling Gus, "Stay Gus!" and you mimicked me, "Tay Guh!"I am certain many will not believe me on this, but I just know you were doing what I was doing. You even pointed at him as you said it. It was SO adorable, but then again, what don't I say that to?

You have four little teeth. Your top teeth have broken gums, and are poking through. The top teeth were a little more tough for you than the bottom as you would sometimes cry for no reason which is not like you at all. Poor baby!

We ask you to do all of your stuff, and it is so fun to watch. We can tell you to clap your hands, kick your feet (kick kick kick kick kick), point to the fan. On a recent trip to New York, your daddy taught you to climb the stairs, and now you want to climb everything in sight!

Things you love right now: phones, throwing your sippy cup on the ground, being chased, playing in the refrigerator, crawling fast, swinging, watching Roxy fetch for sticks while swinging, birds, Baby Einstein, feeding the dogs, books, being outside (you even pat the door to go out), ipad/computers, phones, tomato sauce, chicken, apples, puffs, yogurt, pureed sweet potatoes, yogurt melts, cheese, yogurt, and bananas.

Things you do not care for: broccoli, peas, being restrained (highchair, car seat, stroller, you name it...), diaper changes, and getting your face wiped.

We are in the full blown plans for your first birthday party. It has been lots of fun to plan, but still very tough. I tell your daddy all the time that I cannot believe my baby is this big already!!! Your daddy always says if we could freeze you right now, we would. You are just the light of our lives, and we would not trade you for the world! We love you to the moon and back.


Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shannon! Will you shoot me an email? You won my Olay giveaway :)
