Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Kason's Birth Story Part 3

"Keith, you can get some gloves on, and help out with the delivery if you want. You can even gown up, and I'll let you deliver this baby."

"Okay! I think I'll do that. Wait...Shannon, is that okay with you? Do you feel okay about that?"

"Yeah, I'm comfortable with whatever you trust and decide."

Five sets of pushes later, Keith touches our baby for the first time. "Shannon, I promise, as soon as I can, I will hand him to you."

"It's okay, but is he okay?" He wasn't crying, so I was concerned. Apparently, the cord was around his neck. Keith stayed so calm about it, that I had no idea until hours after the birth when he told me.

"Yeah, he's fine. I just need to suction him."

Tears came streaming, and before I knew it, I had a new life on my chest. There is NO greater feeling than meeting your baby for the first time. I wish I could relive that over and over. It would never get old.

I asked if he had to leave, or if we could keep him in the room. They came and did his bath, weight, length, and all that fun stuff in our room. It was SO nice not having to be apart from him like we did with Lexi. Praise God for that! We were a little bummed that my mom and sister didn't make it in time, but as I said before, no one knew it would go that fast. Keith went down to the waiting room to see if anyone had arrived yet, and as soon as my mom saw him, she said, "Don't tell me she had him already." Keith's response, "Yup, I just delivered him. Come see!"

As soon as I saw Lexi wheeled in in her blue stroller, I nearly lost it. She was so serious, quiet, and confused. All of these characteristics are unlike her, if you know her at all. She quickly warmed up once she got to come sit by me on the bed, and we gave her a big sister gift from Baby Kason.

I was able to feed Kason within the first hour he was born...what a world of a difference this made! We had no complications, he was a champ! The nurses were all very pleased and impressed that we had such success since I had a few complications with Lexi in the beginning.

Now, before I make you wait any longer, here is his debut...World, meet Kason Hayes...7 pounds, 3 ounces, 20 inches.

Newborn pictures to come...birth announcements are being sent this week, so I don't want to spoil that! ;)

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