My little guy-
I am LOVING every second with you and your big sister. Your little personality has really started to bloom the last few weeks, and you are just the sweetest little baby. You love to be held and sang to. You enjoy your sleep, but fight it for a few minutes before you finally give in. Your sleep is a lot like your sisters was, but I think you are better at falling asleep in the car. You don't really like being in the car seat when you are awake and not tired though. I can't blame you. You just want to explore the world around you, and being restrained limits you from doing that. You do like being rocked to sleep, especially with a warm fuzzy blanket wrapped around you, and you will fall asleep in the Ergo as well.
You still eat every 2-3 hours, and your nighttime sleep varies. We got thrown off our routine this past month because we took our first family vacation to San Antonio. You were a trooper, for sure! You did awesome on the flights, and you were an angel at Sea World! We had a great time, but we could tell you definitely missed your own bed, and your home! Those metal hotel cribs just are NOT the same. The flights fell during your 'awake' time, and many people were surprised that you were even on the flight. You were just a jolly little guy. You only got a little fussy on the very last flight home, but we were all officially 'done' by then after a delay in our traveling that day. We got comments on several people on how you looked like a little baby doll. I'd say it's your bright blue eyes that get you those remarks. They make my heart melt every time!
It is so much fun to see the interactions between you and your sister already. She calls you Kason, but also 'little guy.' If you are crying, she says, "Little guy, little guy." If she isn't too happy about you crying, she says, "Kason, stop it." Ha! She also loves checking on you once you're awake from your naps. You are definitely learning to sleep through the noise that a toddler in the house brings, but you do get woke up from time to time because of the noise. Sorry about that! ; ) My favorite thing Lexi says to you is, "Little guy, little guy, I haven't seen you all day" after you wake from a nap. She also volunteers 'little guy' to take a bath first before she has to. You don't seem to mind though. You LOVE a warm bath! Oh- and you found your hands this month! They keep you entertained these days along with grabbing for toys and looking at yourself in the mirror.
We cannot imagine our lives without you, and look forward to all the fun times to come!
A few stats--you don't go back to the doctor until next month, so this is just your sizes.
Diaper- 1
Clothing- 0-3
Mommy, Daddy, & Lexi
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