Sweet Kason,
You are 5 months old! Your little personality is really starting to show. I know I say this often, but you are the sweetest little thing, and your baby blues? They melt me. You sure are learning new things a lot here lately...just this past month you have rolled from back to tummy several times (strong little thing!), babbled mamamamama, and your eye-hand coordination is awesome! You reached for and grabbed a baby carrot. We will start you on solids at the end of this month, and I'm pretty certain you will love it! We shall see...
You and your big sister have a special bond. You still light up at the sight of her, that is until she 'forgets' to be gentle. She is sweet to you most of the time, and it makes my heart so happy seeing the two of you interact. I hope you two always love each other, and realize the special bond siblings have. A sibling is one of the best gifts!
Your favorite toys this month are Mr. Duck, Sophie the Giraffe, your crinkly book, and your monkey lovey, or I should say your 'ee-ee.' Thats what lexi calls all monkeys, including yours, so I can't help but call it that. You still love books and to be read to! You are still EBF, and still a fast eater. You love your sleep, but you aren't very good at falling asleep because you fight it. I don't blame you though. Your daddy still fights his sleep ! ; ) You do fall asleep pretty easily in the car, and in my arms, or the ERGO. You LOOOOOOVE the ERGO. I love carrying you in it too! We like to grocery shop, nap in church, play outside, and do chores around the house with it.
You sleep pretty good at night. I know lots of people talk about how their babies sleep 10-12 straight hours through the night. I know that that just isn't in the cards for my babies, and I am perfectly okay with that. You wake 1-2 times to eat on most nights. We haven't quite transitioned you from bassinet to crib yet because your little feet hit the bare crib rails and wake you, so we will wait until we get some breathable bumpers.
Your stats from this month (since we were late on our 4 mo. checkup)
Weight- 15.2 lbs (10%)
Height- in. (75%) (I need to go back and look this up)
Head- not sure on measurement, but it was 50%
Diaper- size 2
Clothes- 3-6 Months
Looks like you got your mama's build, and your daddy's height...
We love and adore you so much! We continue to look forward to watching you grow, explore, and learn each day! You have filled our lives with so much more love and joy than I could have ever imagined!
Mommy, Daddy, & lexi
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