Since we quit doing monthly updates with you once you turned two, I still wanted to have a record of things you are doing/saying/learning.
You started gymnastics right after you turned two. You absolutely love it!! We look forward to gymnastics day all week long! Your teachers love you because you repeat everything they say while processing it. Touch your toes...touch your toes! Jump up...jump up! It is hilarious! Your favorite thing to do at gymnastics is the ball pit, balance beam, trampoline, and ladder. You aren't a big fan of the bars yet, which they say is pretty typical for your age since you haven't developed that upper body strength.
Potty training- We really were in no rush to potty train you as I believe I've written about before. We tried with you shortly after Kason was born, but then quickly realized it was too much too soon. Well, one morning in July, you woke up dry so I decided to make you sit at your little Minnie Mouse potty. You did, and we just took your lead from had two accidents that morning, and we haven't looked back since. Absolutely crazy! I realize all my babies may not all be this easy, but you sure have spoiled us!
We also started you in dance class in August. You have only been to one class so far, but it provided enough entertainment for us to last us a whole year! Absolutely hilarious...I was crying from laughing so hard. Of course, as your parents, we think everything you do is adorable, but this took the cake. You were all over the place, and we realized that with you being in gymnastics for a few months before dance, that you really weren't able to separate your love for jumping from the squats/bends/whatever you call them (I'm not a dancer) in dance class. We'll work on that! ; ) The good thing about dance class is you are only with two year olds. In gymnastics, you're the youngest by far as most of the kids are already 3, and some 3 1/2. You love to socialize at these classes though, and we love that you're getting that experience.
You still love to learn, and we work on different things each day, but I do not make it a strict lesson or time frame. I let you take the lead and we go from there. You love and request 'wearning (learning) time.'
You're all girl, but you are one tough cookie! We know when you are truly hurt because you cry, but times when we think you will for sure be hurting, you surprise us. I can tell when you really want to cry because something hurts, but you fight the tears back.
You say so many funny things. It is still so amazing how your little brain processes things. I keep a running list of things you say in the notes section on my phone so we can look back and laugh. Here are just a few (okay, maybe more than a few) of the things you have been saying lately...
I go to school when I get big enough.
I miss my friends.
June one more...marshmallow??
I get a bike!
Move it LoLo
I need my pink bucket (after leaving Nana's remembered from almost a year ago that the last time we had visited nana's work was for trick or treating, and you had a pink pumpkin bucket)
Daddy go to work? Daddy stay home!
Go! Go! Go to gymnastics! (telling me because she wasn't happy with me about something)
It's ok Nana. Don't cry. Lexi will be back.
Mama, you sad? You need Nana?
Baby's sad. Baby needs his mama.
Kason be a prince for Halloween. I be Sofia.
It's ok Kason. Almost there! Almost there, Kason.
Mama, we go to church? (Whispering...)I gotta be quiet in church. We gotta sing in church. (Yelling)Twinkle twinkle wittle star!!!
Daddy, you buy a fish for Lexi please? Pretty please??
Not your turn yet Mama...lexi's turn. It's almost your turn.
Mama, I say hi to my friends?
Me: Lexi, I like your shirt Lexi: It says happy, happy, happy!
Me: What was that? Lexi: Excuse me. I tooted.
While looking at Nana's phone--Nana and PopPop on cation. Grand Canyon, see??
I still sick! I need medicine.
While giving me a checkup...Take a deep breath for me. Now breathe out. I hear a murmur.
Kason, let's go home!
Here mama, I made you a drink of water.
Coco made this for me. For Lexi. No mama, Lexi's not done yet.
Your birthday's coming up!! You want to eat birthday cake??
I go eye doctor. They not hurt me.
When you fell on the ladder at gymnastics...Me: What do you want to do next? Lexi: I do ladder. It won't hurt me.
Mama, don't touch those diapers. They have poo poo. Mama, those diapers dirty.
I hide-n-seek!
Coco buy present. Lexi. At store.
No. I don't want daddy to go to work. I wanna see him.
Major's sick. He needs medicine.
Mama's sick, Lexi sick, Daddy sick, Kason sick. We're all sick. We need feel better.
I'll save the rest for just recording in your journal, but we just cannot get enough of you and your sweet little heart! It is so much fun watching you grow, but we still wish we could freeze time. We love you sweet pumpkin to the moon and back!
Mommy, Daddy, & Kason
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