Tuesday, December 27, 2011

7 months!

Dear Lexi,

As much as I try to stop the time, it just keeps ticking. I'll embrace it instead and soak up every second with you! You are at SUCH a fun age! My favorite so far...lots of giggles, mouth-wide-open smiles, squeals, and babbling. You say mamamamamama, babababababa, and may even be saying dadadada (not as clear, sorry babe! ; ))

Right now, you are loving solids. The only thing you have really gagged over is avocados though you did eat them when mixed with a little bit of fruit. Bananas give your tummy issues so we are avoiding those for the moment. You eat two 'meals' a day in addition to EBF.

Your favorite toy is (before Christmas, since you turned 7 months on the 23) your Baby Einstein handheld musical box. You smile when we hand it to you and turn it on...so sweet! You still love paper and try to grab our phones any chance you get. You also love your Saranoni blanket...soft on one side, silky on the other.

You took two long trips between 6 and 7 months...one to visit your great grandparents in Texas, and the other to take a mini vacation in Branson with Aunt Nicole & Uncle Andrew. You had a blast at both! This has been a busy month for you in preparation for Christmas, but you have been a trooper through it all! You love the Christmas tree, especially your light-up ornament from Kirby and Vanna. You even have your own Christmas tree filled with pink ornaments thanks to Aunt Nicole! We have caught you trying to 'sneak' presents several times. When we lay you somewhere and walk away for a second, you are nowhere near where we left you. You are rolling everywhere, and itching to crawl! It won't be long. Your first Christmas was so magical, post to come...until then, a few pics. You'll notice in posts to come that you've gained a new 'signature face.' You smile, but with your bottom lip tucked under the top. It's adorable!

We love you so much Lexi!

Cute Christmas pictures taken by Aunt Nicole & Uncle Andrew to come in next post!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Traditions

I have never looked more forward to Christmas than I do this year. Getting to witness and be a part of a true miracle of Christ is what Christmas is all about, and this year, I have Lexi to thank for that. Lexi will good-gosh-almight, already?! how?! only be 7 months old on Christmas, but we wanted to start traditions with her now. Keith and I are big believers that even when kids are young, if they don't remember it, that's okay. We will. Traditions we are starting with Lexi this year include:

  • A picture with Santa three different ones, 

  • Picking out a Christmas ornament (or two, or three, I have a slight obsession with ornaments)   I also plan on making ornaments with Lexi. I have several ideas that I used to use in my classroom. This year, we will make a messy one. I think she'll enjoy it...as long as she doesn't try to eat the mixture!  
               One of this year's ornaments looks like this:

  •  Lexi will also be sporting new Christmas pajamas that she will open on Christmas Eve.
  • The past two years, Keith and I have made it a tradition to go to a town about 3 hours away from us during Christmas time for shopping and a fun little getaway. In 2009, we ran a 5k that went through the amusement park there at night while the park was lit. SO. MUCH. FUN. Last year, we couldn't do the 5k because I was pregnant and still getting 'evening sickness,' but we did visit that same park to watch their Christmas show.  This year, we have a new addition to our little getaway. Hoping she loves this trip as much as she has loved the others she has been on! We eat at a Mexican restaurant there with the BEST guacamole! We are going this weekend with my sister and her hubby, and I can't wait. They better be ready for some mexican! :)

  • Last year, my sister and I planned a trip to the Christmas train in a town owned by a church about 30 min. away. My little cousin was here from New York, and we knew he would love it. He was so funny that night! He asked Santa if a specific friend was on the naughty list. Haha! It was cute, and still one of our favorite stories. We took Lexi this year, and we were worried she was going to be cranky because we were out WAY past her bedtime. She was an angel, and even fell asleep on my sister's shoulder. She never does that!!! We plan to continue the train each year as long as we can get tickets. They sell out fast!

  • Elf on the Shelf--

This tradition will be started as soon as Lexi is old enough to understand it (hoping for some fun from it next year). We shall see.

I love love love traditions, and can't wait to continue to add more as Lexi grows older. OH! And Santa will also be getting milk and cookies on Christmas Eve. You are never too old/young to leave cookies for the jolly man in red!

I'm linking up with AP from I love you more than carrots!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sick Day

Recently, Lexi was running a fever. It was so very sad to see my baby sick, and I have never wished a fever on myself until that morning. I texted my sister and husband frantically in tears asking what to do. This is what our sick day looked like:

Needless to say, my humble sister knows what she is doing. She is the best kid's doc around! Lexi's fever broke after her monster nap, and she was happy as could be. Good thing, since we were scheduled to begin our road trip to visit Keith's grandparents that night (more on that later).

This past weekend I was sick with a fever, and rather than wish for my bed and soak up the rest, I prayed and prayed that I would feel better. It's scary stuff when you are a mom and you are sick. You feel guilty because you know your family needs you. Thank you God for a quick recovery, and for my amazing husband who didn't skip a beat playing with our daughter. She had a blast.She probably likes sick days for mommy...(just a little).

Sunday, December 4, 2011

6 months

My sweet baby,

I cannot believe you are half a year old!!! Our baby is 6 months old! Crazy! You are SO much fun right now. You giggle a LOT, and smile all the time. You are still a very curious baby. You like to know what is going on around you everywhere you go, especially church. You enjoy growling, also in church. ; ) We tote you around everywhere we go, and you just go with the flow.

Your current stats from your 6-month appointment: weight- 13, 10--10th percentile, height: 28 1/2, off the charts! Still in mostly 3-6 clothes though.

You eat avocados, bananas, brown rice cereal, and sweet potatoes. You have loved everything so far, although just today (a little over a week past your 6 month birthday), you started turning your nose up at avocados. We are going to try some new veggies/fruits soon that I know you will enjoy. Your sleep is still pretty good, but when we get off schedule, it does sometime throw you off a bit. You are a content baby. You love to stand, jump, play with your yellow cup, and laugh (especially at your Nana). You still love Sophie the giraffe, Pooh, and Bella Butterfly. If there is paper around, you are after it! I think you like school supplies just like your mommy!

You take baths in a big tub now, and absolutely love it! You kick and smile and even laugh when splashed with water.

If you hear your daddy's voice while you are eating, you stop and look around to find him. He cannot leave a room without saying hi to you, otherwise you will not go back to eating. It is TOO cute and sweet! You are sitting up now, but do still have to be watched...sometimes you get too relaxed and tumble to your side. You are so strong, and hold your whole chest up with your arms extended along with your legs raised. It's pretty funny.

You are sleeping in your crib now, and love it! It is also one of your favorite places to play peek-a-boo during the day! We are looking forward to the holidays with you. There is nothing quite like the holidays with a precious baby to spoil. It is so captivating to watch you explore all the beautiful things this season has to offer. You love to 'talk', and really emphasize the mmmmm sound right now. I'm convinced you are gearing up to say 'mama.' Haha...if only I could convince everyone else that that is what you are doing! I have loved EVERY second of this half year with you, and know there are only more sweet & precious moments to come! Thank you for the happiness you bring to your daddy and my lives! We love you to the moon and back again!

A picture I took while trying on clothes for your 6 month pics

Mommy & Daddy