Tuesday, February 18, 2014

First Road Trip-The four of us! (November)

I'm trying to get caught up on some posts that I'm way behind on....We took our very first road trip with the four of us to Decatur, TX in November. For Keith's 30th birthday present, we purchased him a spot in the roping clinic that he loved so much the last time he did it. We were a little nervous because Kason is not a fan of the car at night, but he was a rock star! We decided to drive at night after Lexi's gymnastics class and grabbing dinner. I fed Kason after dinner, and then we were on our way. He fell asleep within minutes (yay!), and it caught us all off guard. We stopped about halfway to make a potty break for Lexi, and Kason woke up. We all got a good laugh because he was perfectly content in the truck with Keith sitting on Keith's lap until he saw Lexi and I come out of Braum's. The second he spotted me, he lost it! Hahaha...he's going through a little separation anxiety from me to say the least (I secretly love it).

I fed Kason again, and we decided to keep trekking on. We stopped at a hotel around 11:00 that night, and we were only about an hour away from the clinic. The kids did pretty good about going right to sleep, and we woke them early the next morning to head towards the clinic. No early morning would be complete without donuts, so we found a spot and got our fix! Lexi insisted on not getting out of her Cinderella nightgown we had just purchased for her the day before, so she went in with Keith with that on. Good thing she has a good daddy who does not care what other people think.

When we pulled in, we were so excited! It was the cutest little cabin! The town wasn't too bad. It reminded me of the size of Tahlequah, and I familiarized myself with the nearest sonic and walmart! :) Inside the cabin, there was a bedroom with a big jacuzzi tub, a kitchen & living room area, and an upstairs loft. Way to go NRS! This is how you get the wives to go. You put big granite jacuzzi tubs inside cute little cabins! : ) Haha

We had a lot of fun just hanging around the cabin while Keith roped, and we would venture down to watch him for a couple of hours a day along with meeting up for lunch. Kason enjoyed pulling up on everything (he just started doing this), and crawling and getting stuck under tables as you can tell from the pictures. Lexi enjoyed chasing the cats in the barn, and playing with her new friend Luke whose Daddy was also there roping. While we hung out in the cabin, we would work on learning time with our puzzles, books, toys, and markers we had brought. In the evenings, we were on our own for dinner and tried a local Mexican restaurant as well as Cici's.

We made it all the way home with just a few pit stops along the way. The kids did great! Kason got a little antsy the last twenty minutes, but it was a successful trip! We really enjoyed our time, and didn't feel like it was long enough. That's how you know it was a good trip! We plan on making it a tradition, and next year convincing my parents to go so my dad can get a roping fix in. ; )

10 Months (Dec. 7)


We are LOVING having a second baby to spoil during the holidays. You are finally going to get some toys that are for boys! :) You really haven't seemed to mind honestly, you're pretty easy going, and just love to roam around looking for something you can get your hands on. Your favorite thing this month? A big orange ball we have just floating around the house. You love to chase after it and say 'ba' (ball). So cute! You can also wave and say bye, mama, dada, and nana. 

You dance now too! One of my favorites!! You still love your big sister, and think she is hilarious no matter what she is doing. She loves to make you laugh too. You two are quite the pair when you get each other going. One of your favorite activities to do with her is crawl in and out of a play tunnel we have. I love watching the two of you play, and know your interactions will only get more entertaining.

You are so sweet, cuddly, and curious. I love to just watch you play. We took you on a road trip this past month to your daddy's roping clinic in Decatur, TX. We were a bit worried about you in the car, since you are NOT a fan at night, but you were a rock star! I was so proud of you! We had so much fun together, and plan to go again in the future. You just enjoy being with your family.

Can't wait for the holidays with you! Love, love, love you sweet little man!

Mommy, Daddy, & Lexi