Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Kason- 8 Months (October 7)

My sweet little man,

You're 8 months old!!! You are SO stinking sweet, fun, adorable, and cuddly! Your favorite things this month have been cups, cars/trucks, laugh and learn puppy, remotes, and phones. You love to be sang to and your favorite song is the "Itsy bitsy spider." You smile every time I sing it to you.

You also love our laugh and learn puppy. You really love any of those stuffed animals that sing/dance. It's pretty funny right now how excited you get over them when they are activated. You're itching to crawl. You get frustrated sometimes, and i'm 99% sure it is because you just want to MOVE. You can get where you want to pretty easily by scooting slowly, but still not in the position to crawl.

You think Lexi is the funniest thing! She can just look at you, smile, and say hi, and you crack up every time! You also love to just go through baskets of things, toys, cups, etc. I love this age because it is when you really start to explore everything around you...so fun!

You are still not the greatest eater when it comes to solids, but we are getting better....slowly. Your favorite things right now include the pouches of organic veggies/fruits and any kind of bread or bagel. I am still not too concerned. We will cross that bridge of figuring out what to do to get you to eat better when we have to. That won't be until you're at least a year though, so we have time.

We are so in love with you, and truly do not know what we would do without you. We're so excited to take you to the pumpkin patch and experience the holiday season with you and your sister.

We love you to the moon and back!

Mommy, Daddy, & Lexi

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Kason-7 months (September 7)


You get sweeter, cuter, and more fun with each passing day. That doesn't meant I have accepted the rate at which you are getting older, but I am instead embracing this rapid pace we are at, and enjoying every second with you and your sister. We went for your 6 month well-child check. Yes, we were a month late since we went late for your four month, but that's okay. Here are your stats:

Weight- 17 pounds (25%)
Height- 27 1/4 (50%)

You're healthy and growing, and your doctor is pleased. You're sitting well now and you love to play while sitting. Your favorite toys are cups, balls, and anything that lights up or plays music. You still love the remote so we bought you a toy one that you enjoy. You also love to try to sneakily get our phones.

You are not the best eater (for table foods). You act like we are torturing you to get you to even try some stuff. I discussed this with your pediatrician and he wasn't concerned. We will just continue to try until you decide you like to eat. With your sister, I know I would have been stressed to the max, but I know now that 'Under one is just for fun!'

You're the biggest cuddle bug when you're sleepy. Actually, you love to be held all the time. I know that day is coming when you want down to crawl and run all over the place, so I take advantage of it. We still rock the Ergo everywhere we go. I'm convinced it is your favorite place to be. You still adore your big sister. I'm pretty sure she is your biggest fan as well. You two crack each other up. She always looks for you too. When you're asleep, she asks me, "Where's Kason?" If she knows I'm going to put you down for your nap, she tells me, "No. Kason doesn't want to go to sleep." She's your biggest advocate. Ha!

You roll like such a champ. Still not crawling yet, but you definitely know how to get from point A to point B if you want to. You are SO stinking strong too! You're still a little talker. You say dadadadada, mamamama, and you sing. You like to sing yourself to sleep in the car. It is SO funny! We are just so thrilled and blessed with the blessing you are to our little family. We cannot imagine our lives without you, and look forward to the next month of your sweet life.

We love you to the moon and back!


Mommy & Daddy