Monday, January 14, 2013

16 Months


You turned 16 months old on September 23. You continue to amaze us each day with the way you explore everything around you. You love to sing and dance, and it's got to be the cutest thing ever. Your daddy has a song on his phone called "Little Lies," by Dave Barnes, and it is the perfect tune for you to sing along to. You request it often. You also enjoy dancing to "Call Me Maybe."

There are very few times when you are not walking around the house or riding in the car, or even eating in your highchair, when you do not have a baby with you. You request one from the minute you wake up until the minute you go to sleep at night. You can be heard walking around telling your babies, "Don't's okay. Oh...." Heart.Melting!!!!

You love to try to feed your babies, change their diapers, and cover them up. One day, I had the refrigerator open and you stuck your baby in there. I told you your baby was going to get cold so you left and went and got one of your burp rags from the shelf, came back and covered her up. When'd you get so smart? ;)

You love playgrounds, carousels, and walking all over Nana and PopPop's land. You sometimes enjoy swinging and sliding at home, but most of the time you'd rather walk ALL over. YOu have no fear of the horses, which is good and bad.

You love your Aunt Coco and Uncle DoDo. We went with DoDo because we knew Andrew would be too hard to say right now, and so would Drew. It was either going to be DoDo or Doo Doo. We actually tried for Doo Doo, but DoDo it is!

You are FINALLY drinking milk! just happened over night. You even request it by bringing us the milk out of the refrigerator, and then looking in your cabinet for your Minnie cup. We have got to buy you more of these, because it appears these are your 'milk' cups! You get rather upset if it isn't in the cabinet.

You are also blowing kisses and giving high fives. Your kisses are more like a spit in the direction of the person, but cute nonetheless. As usual, we love you to the moon and back! Here's a tentative list of your current words: (not including the words you sign)

B- ball, bye bye, book, bug, babies
C- cracker, cookie, choo choo, cheese, CoCo, Cody, cook, car, cry, cream
D- Dada, duck, down, DoDo, dirty
E- eat
F- fish
G- Gus
H- horse, hi
K- keys
M- Mama, moo, Minnie
N- Nana, no, night night
O- Ow!, ok
P- PopPop, pee pee, poo poo
S- shoes, stay
T- tractor, turtle
U- uh-oh

The pictures were taken right around the time you turned 16 months old, and we took you to the RSU nature trail. You loved it!! We thought you would eventually wear down from walking UP and down all the hills, but you didn't....must be those running legs in the making!

We love you to the moon and back sweet girl! You're going to make the best big sister, and we are excited to be on this journey with you. It is so incredibly humbling that God is giving us another precious miracle to love and add to our little family.

Mommy & Daddy

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