Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kason- 6 Months (August 7)

My sweet little man,

You are a whole half a year old!!! I thought time flew with your big sister, but it flies even more so with the second baby! Oh. My. Word. I am pinching myself writing this post. Here goes...

You are the sweetest little guy. You smile at everyone you see, and your whole face lights up! Cliche, I know...but I can say that, because I'm your mom. You and your sister both have big blue eyes that make me melt each and every time. One of my favorite things that has been happening this month is seeing the interactions between Lexi and you. You have been cracking up at her when she is being goofy and wild. It is adorable, but don't even think about taking notes!  ; )You are a busy little guy these days. When we hold you to stand, you prefer to jump! It is pretty funny, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make us a tad nervous for when you and your sister are both mobile. Busy, busy, busy...

I stay very busy keeping up with the two of you throughout the day. I am just so blessed by this opportunity though. I know how fast you will grow up, and I am lucky to get to see each milestone, and spend these sweet days with you. I have been getting asked a lot lately if I will ever go back to teaching (probably because it is the beginning of a new school year). The answer is yes, but I have the rest of my life to teach. Like I said before, these years fly by, and I am too selfish to give you and your sister up all day to someone else.

Your favorite toys these days are still your o'ball, sophie the giraffe, mr. duck, and really just about anything else you can get your hands on. You love your play mat, black and white learning cards, being read to, and your stacking cups. We started you on solids this month. Your first food was sweet potatoes. You were not a fan! We will try it again soon though. You have also had avocado and banana. Your favorite so far? Avocado! We make your food...well, we actually haven't had to do much yet because all three of those foods are easy to prepare.

We won't go for your stats until next month because we went for your 4 month checkup a month late, so we aren't due to go back just yet. You are still babbling away...dadadada, mamma, blahblahblah. You have the sweetest little voice! I just love listening to you talk. Let's talk about do like your sleep, but you do fight it (imagine that!). You typically sleep 4 hour stretches at night, sometimes better, sometimes worse. People often ask how I function on such little sleep, but it's easy to respond...look at your sweet and cute little face! You're worth every hour of sleep we lose. I know one day you will sleep through the night, and I'm in no rush to make you do something you're not ready for.

I want time to slow down, but I also know of all the fun that is to come! We are so blessed by you, and hope you grow to realize how much we love and adore you. Your daddy and I talk a lot about how we may be a little 'extreme' in the parenting department. We don't share our kids well, and we will sacrifice a lot of our time for you, but that's how I think it should be. Our priorities changed when we had you and Lexi, and we never knew we could love like we do now! We thank our God for you each and every day.

Mommy, Daddy, & Lexi

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