Friday, May 3, 2013

Kason-2 Months!

My sweet little guy-

Get used to me saying this, but I CANNOT believe you are 2 months already, but at the same time I can't picture our lives without you in it. You fit into our lives so well, and we are so blessed to have you. You fill our lives with so much joy.

You are smiling, cooing, and showing us more of your personality each day. It is truly one of the best parts of parenting when you see your baby smile the first time! Nothing beats the gummy first smiles of a new baby! I love it!

You LOVE your big sister. When she is near, even if she isn't paying attention to you (which she often is), you get the biggest smile on your face. You are sleeping well, with a 6-7 hour stretch in the beginning of the night, and then a 3-4 hour stretch. I'll take it! :) As far as naps, we were keeping you up a little too long in between each nap time, and you were pretty cranky. We wondered if it was colic, but determined (with the help of your pediatrician Aunt CoCo) that you were just overly tired. Now that we have that figured out, you are pretty easy-going. You do love your sleep! You nap best during the day in the Ergo. We have gotten so much use out of it because it helps me to attend to your big sister as well.

You do have a little bit of reflux. This is new territory for us since Lexi did not have it, but we have figured out some things to help you. We also discussed it with your doctor, and he was pleased with everything we were already doing. Your 2 month checkup went great, and you are healthy as can be!

Two-Month Stats:

Weight- almost 11 pounds (10%)--What can I say? I have small babies!
Height- 22.5 inches (30%)--Kind of shocked me, because you seem like you are long, but maybe it's just your build
Diapers- size 1
Clothes- 0-3, some newborn..if we push it, but mainly only tops...pants are too short

We cannot wait for the many months to come with you. You are such a delight! We love and adore you!

Mommy & Daddy

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