Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kason-13 Months

Kason-- My little man, you are 13 months old! This has been a big month for you! You are officially on the move! You have been taking a step or two for a while, but you took three steps on February 13 in front of your daddy, Nana, and me. A week later, you pretty much never looked back, You even try to run! I'm definitely getting my workout in these days! ; )

Your sign language vocabulary is also continuing to grow. I love all of these new tricks. You signed and said 'wawa' (water) on February 21, blew Nana a kiss with sound on February 18. You continue to do your other signs of baby, milk, dog, more, hi, and bye.

You LOVE playing outside especially now that you're walking. You do NOT like coming in, understandably. Your favorite things to play with are water, trucks/cars/airplanes, balls, and the cozy coupe outside. Typical for a boy, you manage to find the sticks, rocks, and dirt. I love it! You also enjoy going in and out of the playhouse outside, but not before you ring the door bell each time! Your favorite thing to look at in the car is your green trucks book you got at one of your well-child visits. You could stare at that thing for hours!

You don't go back to the doctor until 15 months so I am not sure on height/weight. You wear 12-18 month clothes, but have a hard time with pants because you're waist is tiny.

You love when your daddy gets home and make sure you get his attention until he is able to pick you up and give you lots of hugs to satisfy the two of you. I love seeing the relationship between you and Lexi continue to grow. You still think she is the funniest thing ever. She's not sure what to think sometimes now that you're walking and into ALL of her stuff, but she does enjoy getting to hold your hand and walk you places. The other day, you two left my sight at Nana and PopPop's house. When I rounded the corner of the hallway, I caught the back of both of you, hand in hand, headed to the playroom to play. Melt.My.Heart!!

I'm so excited for the next few months. We have some fun stuff planned, and I know you will LOVE it!


Love you to the moon and back!

Mommy, Daddy, & Lexi

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